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04.02.05 – Travel Card

Section: Procurement

Area: Travel

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The State of Texas contracts with a bank to issue travel cards to state agencies and universities that wish to use them. The University of Houston uses travel cards that are billed to the university to increase the efficiency of the procurement process and reduce out-of-pocket reimbursements for travel-related purchases.

This document assigns responsibilities and assists university personnel in the appropriate use and administration of travel cards.


A. Accounts Payable is responsible for providing training and guidelines to cardholders and administrators for the appropriate use and administration of travel cards. Accounts Payable also serves as the intermediary between the bank and cardholders/ administrators by issuing/canceling travel cards, reporting disputed charges to the bank on the cardholder's behalf, and processing payments to the bank.

B. College/Division Administrators (CDAs) are responsible for overseeing the use and administration of travel cards within their college/division. Though College/Division Administrators may delegate certain administrative tasks to others within their college/division, known as Business Contacts, the CDAs are responsible for ensuring that all tasks are completed accurately and timely.

C. All College/Division Administrators, Business Contacts, and cardholders must comply with the travel card guidelines issued by Accounts Payable, which are located on the UH Finance web site .

D. Accounts Payable will notify the College/Division Administrator of any known or suspected instances of non-compliance with these guidelines. Depending on the number and severity of the non-compliance, Accounts Payable might inactivate or cancel a travel card, and the cardholder might be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment and criminal charges.


Travel Card Guidelines:


Issued: 10/16/2007
Last Reviewed/Revised: 11/11/2021
Responsible Office(s): Finance